Summaries of articles now available in four languages 

Read about some of the most extensive research on child protection and welfare in Norwegian, Russian, Romanian, and English! Insight into the recent articles by the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism (DIPA) is now available in multiple languages on our website. In total, there are translations of 18 articles published between 2019-2024. The original abstracts were written in English; however, translations are now available in Norwegian, Russian, and Romanian. The aim of the translations is that they can reach wider audiences in multiple countries, especially considering that many of the articles have an intersectional perspective and research on transnational issues.  

Covering topics such as children’s rights, participation, child protection, welfare systems, state interventions and parental freedoms, child adoptions, and more, these articles have examined global but also national settings in multiple countries. The research is also analyzing legislation and child protection systems in local and national contexts; therefore, it further emphasizes the need for translations of the abstracts in multiple languages. The articles were also written by Center for Research on Discretion and Paternalism researchers, including Professor Marit Skivenes, Postdoctoral Fellow Hege Beate Stein Helland, and PhD Fellow Mathea Loen. Additionally, DIPA’s collaborative partners have written and contributed to some of the publications, such as Jenny Krutzinna, Tarja Pösö, Katre Luhamaa, Karl Harald Søvig, and Øyvind Samnøy Tefre.  

By using software like ChatGPT and Google Translate, along with contributions from our staff and partners, these translations aspire to broaden accessibility to our research across Europe and beyond. Ensuring accessibility to research across linguistic barriers not only broadens its reach but also fosters greater understanding and collaboration on critical societal issues such as children’s rights and child protection.  

All translations are available here on our website.