This Pro Bono project studied the child perspective in Norwegian Child Protection and conducted an evaluation of the “Mitt Liv” (“My Life”) program.
“Mitt Liv” is a project developed by “Forandringsfabrikken” (“The Change Factory”) and “Barnevernsproffene.” Its ambition is to change how child welfare workers work so that the child is at the centre of child welfare decisions. The project is set to change work procedures in and the ethos of many municipalities in Norway.
By conducting a large survey sent to child welfare workers, the Pro Bono Group have measured how the core values of the Mitt Liv-program are incorporated into child welfare workers practice.
“Forandringsfabrikken” is a foundation that, with the public, works to highlight a child-centred perspective in the Norwegian child welfare system. “BarnevernsProffene” are youth working for “Forandringsfabrikken” who are experts by experience with the child welfare system.
The final report is available here: Mot et barneperspektiv i Barnevernet. En studie av implementeringen av programmet Mitt Liv Barnevern. Contributers to the report included: Kaja Eek-Larsen, Hege Stein Helland, Lisette Holm, Ida Juhasz, Oda Krogh Læret, Amy McEvan-Strand, Siri Hansen Pedersen, Barbara Ruiken, Marie Topaas Storm, Hilde Svrljuga Sætre, Marit Skivenes, Line Sørsdal, og Vilde Tøfte Øvstetun,
About the Pro Bono Group
Pro bono is a Latin phrase for professional work and research undertaken . The Pro Bono Group was conducting voluntary research on children’s rights without payment and for the benefit of the public good. Professor Marit Skivenes is the principal investigator and chair of the group. The members of the group include staff from the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism, students at the Department for administration and organization theory, and volunteers interested in child welfare.