Ana Côrtes


Researcher III

(Ana is on parental leave from 1.03.2025.)


Ana Côrtes is a researcher at the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism working on the project “Child Protection Systems Across the World”. She holds a PhD in Law from the University of Coimbra (Portugal), a Master’s Degree in Law and Development from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (Brazil), and a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of São Paulo (Brazil).

Ana has worked on various research projects in Brazil, Portugal, and Norway. Some of her research interests are human rights, legal mobilization, vulnerable groups, gender, sexuality, and diversity.



  • PhD in Law (2024) from the University of Coimbra with the thesis “The Recognition of rights for LGBTQ persons in countries with a civil law legal system: between legislation and constitutional courts”
  • Master’s Degree in Law and Development (2018) from the the Getulio Vargas Foundation.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law (2015) from the University of São Paulo.


Get to know Ana

What are you working on right now? 

I am about to start working on the DIPA project Child Protection Systems Across the World. I am very excited about it! 

If you had to choose a different field, what would it be? 

Definitely Physics. It was my passion during secondary school and I still consider studying it as a hobby.  

What do you like most about your job? And what do you like the least? 

I am always eager to learn about new things, especially topics that interest me. Therefore, working as a researcher is fascinating, and quite an amazing fit! I enjoy collecting and analysing data, and I am also very fond of writing. Speaking in public, on the other hand, is not my favourite, but I face it as a challenge and do it when I have to. 

What are you listening to these days? 

I have been listening to Oasis a lot. It has always been one of my favourite bands and, after they announced the 2025 tour, I have an extra incentive to listen to their music. 

What’s on your nightstand? 

A bottle of sparkling water and two books, one in Portuguese and one in Norwegian. I am always reading something in Norwegian, but I like to have an option in my mother tongue for when I get tired. 

Which podcast are you listening to right now and why? 

I mostly listen to podcasts in Portuguese. Especially “Não Inviabilize”, an amusing podcast about daily life stories, and “Xadrez Verbal”, a weekly podcast about international politics. I highly recommend both to Portuguese speakers.