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Guest lecture: Child Welfare Judgments

September 12, 2019 @ 14:15 - 15:45

Child Welfare Judgments and Decision Processes in Context

Guest lecture by prof. Rami Benbenishty (Social Work / Social Welfare), University of Jerusalem / Bar Ilan University. The lecture is open for everyone interested.

Topic: This presentation will focus on the Judgments and Decision Processes in Context (JUDPiC) model, as it applies to judgments and decisions in cases of alleged child maltreatment. This model presents how case characteristics are processed by professionals embedded in social agencies who are influenced by their personal characteristics, their agency features, and the wider local and national context of the child welfare system. The implications for understanding and improving decisions are discussed.

Rami Benbenishty is Professor at the University of Jerusalem / Bar Ilan University.  His research mainly focus on disadvantaged children and youth at risk, and on methods for promoting their welfare and safety in the community, in school, and in foster care and boarding school frameworks. His research also deals with improving decision-making methods used by professionals and policy makers in matters concerning children who are victims of abuse in the family or community. Over the years he has published over 200 articles, chapters and complete books, as well as in-depth and comprehensive research reports

This event is part of the “RDV seminar series” – a collaboration between the Research Group Law, Democracy and Welfare at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Center for Research on Discretion and Paternalism at the Department of Administration and Organizational Science at the University of Bergen and the Center for Law and Social Transformation (Lawtransform) at the University of Bergen.


September 12, 2019
14:15 - 15:45
Event Category:


DIPA-room (17.112), Christies gate 17, University of Bergen
Christies gate 17
Bergen, Bergen 5007 Norway
+ Google Map


Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism