June 5, 2023Blogposts, News, Ukategorisert Blogpost: How ‘child life specialists’ secure children’s rights to participation BLOG: Fulfilling children´s right to participate and be involved in complex settings such as […]
May 11, 2023Blogposts, News, Ukategorisert Blogpost: Improving foster care in Norway BLOG: May 10th is the Norwegian national foster home day. Congratulations to all foster […]
May 9, 2023Events, News, Ukategorisert Participation workshop On Tuesday 18th of April and Wednesday 19th of April DIPA hosted the participation […]
May 9, 2023News, Ukategorisert Meet Our Newest Researcher: Victor Cepoi We are excited to welcome Victor to our team as a new researcher at […]
April 4, 2023Blogposts, Events, News, Ukategorisert Blogpost: Wrong direction for the Norwegian child protection? BLOG: There has been a significant reduction in child protection help and interventions towards […]
July 11, 2022News, Ukategorisert Structuring practice for children’s participation As part of the Centre’s project on Children’s Right to Participation, project members Frøydis […]
March 31, 2022Blogposts, News, Ukategorisert Blogpost: Children drop off the radar in adoption from care judgments BLOG: A study of seven European jurisdictions shows that overall, the child is not […]
January 17, 2022Blogposts, News, Ukategorisert Blogpost: “Under His Eye”: Poland inches closer to Gilead as it targets children and families BLOG: An Institute for Family and Demography could possess legal authority to intervene directly […]
December 23, 2021News, Ukategorisert Grant awarded for global research on child protection systems The Centre is delighted to share the news that the interdisciplinary research project “Child […]