Structuring practice for children’s participation

As part of the Centre’s project on Children’s Right to Participation, project members Frøydis Petersen Jensen, Professor Katrin Kriz and Professor Marit Skivenes have published a report[1] analyzing and evaluating seminal guidelines for children’s participation in Bergen municipality, the Norwegian County Social Welfare Boards and Norwegian District Courts. The report aims to provide the project partners with concrete suggestions about developing their guidelines to promote children’s participation in practice. Moreover, it lays the foundation for developing new management, practice, and training programs for the future. You can access the report by clicking the link below.

[1] Jensen, F. P., Križ, Katrin & Skivenes, M. (2022) Structuring Practice for Children’s Participation. Report I for the Participation Project: Mapping and Evaluating Organizational Guidelines. Bergen: Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism, University of Bergen.