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RDV: Child Interviews and the Use of Multimodal Virtual Avatars (Gunn Astrid Baugerud)

November 4, 2021 @ 14:15 - 15:45

Dr. Gunn Astrid Baugerud: Child Interviews and the Use of Multimodal Virtual Avatars

Gunn Astrid Baugerud is Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work, Oslo Metropolitan University. Baugerud has a background in cognitive developmental psychology, and her research interests include child maltreatment, children’s memory development and children as victims/witnesses, and investigative interviews with children. Baugerud was recently awarded a prestigious FRIPRO grant from the Research Council of Norway for the project “Interview training of child-welfare and law-enforcement professionals interviewing maltreated children supported via artificial avatars”. https://www.oslomet.no/en/about/employee/gunnba/


To receive an invitation to the Zoom-webinar, contact discretion@uib.no

If the Zoom application is new to you, we recommend that you press the link well before the events to download the program. The audience are observing participants only, and therefore not able to turn on microphone and camera during the events, but can post questions in the chat. You may leave and rejoin the meeting at any time.


The webinar is part of the RDV seminar series – a collaboration between the Research Group Law, Democracy and Welfare at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Center for Research on Discretion and Paternalism (UiB) and the Center for Law and Social Transformation – Lawtransform (UiB/CMI).


November 4, 2021
14:15 - 15:45
Event Category: