The Book “Adoption from Care” Now Translated to Japanese 

We are pleased to announce that the book “Adoption from Care: International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention,” edited by Professors Marit Skivenes, Tarja Pösö, and June Thorburn, with contributions from prominent researchers, has now been translated into Japanese. This translation, published by Akashi Press, marks a significant step in making the book’s comprehensive analysis of adoption from care accessible to a wider audience. 

Originally published in 2021, the book provides an in-depth analysis of family life across multiple countries. It offers a comprehensive examination of adoption practices in Europe and the United States, focusing on concepts such as family, contact arrangements, the child’s best interest principle, and human rights within the context of adoption from care. One of the key themes explored is how different governments and professionals balance the rights of the child with the responsibilities of the state. The book aims to benefit both researchers and practitioners, ultimately improving outcomes for children in care who may be suitable for adoption.  

Photo: Book “Adoption from Care” published in 2021 

The Japanese translation was carried out by Kei Unno and  Misa Saigo. Ms. Saigo has also co-authored the Chapter “New Era for Child Protection in Japan” in the book “The Oxford Handbook of Child Protection Systems,” edited by Marit Skivenes, Jill Duerr Berrick, and Neil Gilbert. This chapter provides a detailed look at Japan’s evolving child protection landscape, making the Japanese edition particularly relevant for local readers and stakeholders. 

The English edition of “Adoption from Care” is open-access and available here. The newly released Japanese edition can be found on this webpage

We are excited about this new translation and hope it will foster greater understanding and dialogue about child protection systems worldwide.