Professor Marit Skivenes Speaks at Barnevern24 Conference in Bergen on Strengthening Children’s Rights 

On Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024, Dr. Marit Skivenes, Director of the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism (DIPA) and Professor at the University of Bergen, delivered a speech titled “Child Sensitive Participation” (Barnesensitive prosesser og styrking av barns rettigheter – hvor langt har vi kommet, og hva gjenstår?) at at the Barnevern24 conference in Bergen, Norway. The conference, which took place from October 22nd to 23rd, focused on the theme of “The Child’s Participation and Child-Sensitive Processes” (Barns medvirkning og barnesensitive prosesser), and it was organised by the Child Welfare and Health Board in Vestland (Barneverns- og helsenemnda i Vestland). 

The event brought together professionals who discussed critical issues surrounding child participation and the legal frameworks supporting children’s rights in Norway. The second day of the conference particularly emphasized child-sensitive processes and explored the progress made in strengthening children’s rights within child protection systems. 

Key discussions and challenges addressed 

During the second day, Professor Skivenes took part in the panel discussion titled “Where does the shoe pinch?” (Hvor trykker skoen?), which addressed the Ministry of Children and Families’ consultation note on proposed changes to the Child Protection Act. The discussion focused on Section 5 of the proposal, which aims to strengthen children’s participation and procedural rights within the legal system. 

The conference served as a vital platform for exchanging knowledge and ideas on how to further empower children within the child welfare system. 

Supported by experts and stakeholders from multiple sectors, Barnevern24 highlighted the need for continued reflection on legislative reforms and best practices aimed at ensuring children’s active participation and protection in all aspects of child welfare.