Online Course in Systematic Reviews

NEW COURSE: Free online PhD course in the use of systematic reviews in the social sciences.

The course will be offered in June 2020, and is designed to give an introduction to the use of systematic reviews (SR) in social science research. SR is a synthesis of existing knowledge that uses transparent and explicitly defined procedures to find, evaluate and synthesize the results of relevant research.

SR is widely used in medicine and healthcare and has in the last decades become increasingly important in the social sciences. The new course will provide students with an understanding of the purpose and principles of evidence, knowledge on how to conduct and critical appraise a SR, and provide insight in how SR can be used in own research projects.

Course coordinators are professor Marit Skivenes (Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism, University of Bergen) and professor Hans Lund (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences – HVL). The course is offered in two versions, one 10 ECTS and one 3 ECTS. Both versions are free of charge and open for an international audience. Master students and postdocs/researchers are welcome to the course if capacity.

The course will be offered through the online learning portal of the University of Bergen, and consist of webinars and various online learning resources.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • What is a systematic review (SR)?
  • Why do we need SR?
  • How is a SR prepared?
  • How to identify a relevant SR.
  • How to critical appraise a SR.
  • How to use SR to justify a new study.
  • How to use SR to inform the design of a new study.
  • How to place new results in the context of existing evidence

Read more and sign up for the course here: AORG907 – Department of Administration and Organization Theory.

ILLUSTRATION: Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism